Customer Experience

The Transformative Impact of Teleservices on Dubai’s Business Landscape

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Digital revolution has led to a transformation in the business sector entirely. There is a huge difference in how marketing looks now to what it looked before. Every single thing is done through a digital screen. Online platforms like social and e-commerce websites can be reached widely all over the world. 

Nonetheless this does not suggest that teleservices in Dubai have lost their impact. Consider customer support, people do not have the patience to wait for a chatbot to respond to their query.

It may not be wrong to say that teleservices in Dubai has changed the dynamic of businesses in many ways. Businesses are in fact capitalizing on several benefits of teleservices. Read on to expound on how it does so!

Wider Reach

Teleservices are making it easy for people to get in touch with companies on the other side of the world. Thereby increasing the customer pool at global scale. Calling them is old school though but it still serves as a reminder to customers that they exist without having to pay tolls or costs of international phone lines. 

Through teleservices you can connect with old customers by calling them up and inquiring as to why they are no longer using their services. More so, reaching out to potential customers via teleservices enhances the chances to increase customers. 

Improve the Business

Teleservices improve your business by allowing them to put their customer support team to work. They can then note down all the customer queries and complaints. This in turn enables businesses to get a gist of the type of complaints they are receiving. 

Businesses can address these complaints in the form of making improvements. Social media can also be used as a means to criticise a business openly if the customer is dissatisfied. It can get critical if the business tries to interact with angry customers on social media, therefore its best they can contact them through teleservices in Dubai to resolve issues, inquiries and provide information for customer satisfaction. 

Cost efficiency

Teleservices implementation allows businesses to be cost effective rather than using traditional personal interactions. With the operation of centralized call centres, businesses are able to manage a wide range of customer issues and queries. This way they do not need to be present at multiple locations physically. 

Market Research and Surveys

Businesses can make use of teleservices to conduct thorough market research and collect valuable information and data for valuable customer feedback. These helps them conduct surveys easily as well as insights into the market place to refine their products and services. 

Support Provision

Among many benefits of teleservices is that they enhance customer support as they act as a means for customer to register their queries. Customers are more inclined to talk about their queries over the phone rather than through emails. Some cases require to be resolved on an urgent basis. Chatbots are not as quick in this regard.

Teleservices are likely to provide great support services all through the hours of their operations. People in fact trust customer support via calls more than they trust chatbots. More so it's more convenient for businesses to placate their customers over the phone than by other channels of communication. Besides, phone calls till date remain the most used means to reach out to customers. This gives a leverage to business with teleservices in Dubai over others.

More Networking Channels

The most important yet often ignored, teleservices must be part of all businesses. As per customers people prefer multiple means to connect with a business. If they are given the option of connecting with a business they will no doubt prefer one with the option of a phone call over the one that does not. 

So, businesses that were once sceptical of the idea, now wish to outsource customer support in Dubai. Besides online marketing, the pandemic has also given teleservices a major push. 

Sales and Marketing

Tele sales and marketing have gained immense popularity in Dubai’s corporate scene. Teleservices are employed by companies to reach possible customers, pitch products and services as well as create leads. 


Dubai has lately become a hub for BPO companies that deliver numerous tele services like customer support, telemarketing and technical assistance. This trend has given way to a growth in outsourcing businesses to focus on their core competencies. 

Appointment Schedules and Reminders

Most companies in Dubai like healthcare providers, salons etc make use of teleservices to schedule their appointments. They also send reminders to customers so they can make it to the appointments on time. This decreases no show rates and aids in optimising operations to improve your business. 

Final Verdict

Teleservices have undoubtedly reshaped the dynamics of businesses in Dubai with the wide reach, enhanced customer support, market research capacity, networking and cost effectiveness it offers. All businesses are in fact striving to capitalise on the benefits that teleservices offer.

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